Installation on recent versions of FreeBSD is easy. Other BSDs, like OpenBSD, DragonFlyBSD and NetBSD, should also work well.
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Basic dependencies

Each development environment is different. Fortunately, icedb has few dependencies. The instructions here are primarity for FreeBSD, but can be readily adapted for other systems.


  • A C++ 2014-compatible compiler. This includes any recent versions of gcc/g++, LLVM/clang, or the Intel C++ compilers.
  • CMake (generates the build scripts and finds library locations)
  • NetCDF, HDF5, ZLIB (needed to store and read the database)
  • git (it provides some information to the build system)
  • Boost (required backend libraries)
  • Doxygen (optional; generates local html documentation of the library functions)

To install these dependencies on FreeBSD-based systems, this command may be used:

sudo pkg install hdf5 cmake doxygen git netcdf boost-all

On NetBSD and OpenBSD, pkg-add should be used instead. The package names remain the same.

Compiler-specific instructions

FreeBSD 11 / 12 with Clang

Clang is the default compiler on this OS. It should be preinstalled.

sudo pkg install clang

CMake options for reference (if Clang somehow is not your default, perhaps if you are not using FreeBSD):

  • CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/bin/clang++
  • CMAKE_C_COMPILER=/usr/bin/clang

FreeBSD with GCC

sudo pkg install gcc7

Run CMake with these options:

  • CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/local/bin/g++7
  • CMAKE_C_COMPILER=/usr/local/bin/gcc7

Build instructions

  • Download (and perhaps extract) the source code package.
  • Create a new build directory. It can be anywhere. Switch into this directory.
  • Run cmake to generate the build scripts. e.g.:
    cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX={install path} {Path to source directory}
  • This command, on Linux, typically defaults to generating Makefiles and will use gcc as the compiler. Consult the CMake documentation for details regarding how to change the compiler or other settings.
    • To change the compiler, the CMake option is -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=’path to compiler’ for C++ and -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=’path’ for C.
  • If cmake is set to generate Makefiles, run:
  • Run the tests with make test.

  • If the build is successful, binaries and libraries should be in the ./Release directory. These can all be copied to the install directory using:
    sudo make install