This is a step by step guide for whoever wants to start contributing to this documentation website and might have little experience with git and jekyll. Unfortunately it is not meant to be general. It addresses immediately Ubuntu Linux users, but it is easy to extend to other OS.
Clone and branch the repository
We assume you have installed a git client and have access to the github repository.
Following the next steps you will clone the repository to your machine, switch to the documentation branch gh-pages
and make a new derivative branch of it.
git clone
git checkout -b gh-pages-MYDOC gh-pages
git push -u origin gh-pages-MYDOC
This will create a new branch gh-pages-MYDOC
derived from gh-pages
which is the current state of the documentation. Also working directory is switched to the new branch and the upstream github repository is updated.
Install and run Jekyll
This documentation website is hosted on github and the web engine behind it is called jekyll
The most effective way to contribute to the documentation is to install jekyll on your machine and run it locally so that you can see the rendering of the changes you make to the webpages.
By running jekyll on your local machine you will have a direct evaluation of what your modification would look like on the website
Jekyll automatically recognize whenever you modify something in the file tree and updates the served html pages.
Install all of the requirements listed at the page requirements and follow the instructions to install the packages on your system. For Ubuntu linux user those are reported here for your convenience
sudo apt install ruby ruby-dev build-essential
echo '# Install Ruby Gems to ~/gems' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'export GEM_HOME=$HOME/gems' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'export PATH=$HOME/gems/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
gem install jekyll bundler
Be patient, it might take some time to install jekyll and bundler. We need some additional packages in order to run everything without troubles. cd to the libicedb folder and run
bundle install
bundle update
This will download the github-pages layout that will make your local website looking exactly how it would appear once set upstream. Follow the instructions to install possible missing “gems” (gems are packages for the ruby programming language).
Now you should be ready to run jekyll on your system. cd to the libicedb folder and run
bundle exec jekyll serve --baseurl /
Visit on your preferred browser. You should see a copy of this website.
From now on, whenever you make a modification to the website files the jekyll server automatically updates the html and you should be able to se the modifications appearing on your browser after page refresh.
Write a new page
Add an entry on the side bar
This part may be skipped if you are willing to just add or modify on exhisting pages
Edit the file _data/sidebars/mydoc_sidebar.yml
The file as a tree structure (indentation matters). Add the new page informations here in the correct tree location
- title: Database File Structure
output: web, pdf
- title: Metadata
url: /structs_metadata.html
output: web, pdf
- title: Dimensions
url: /structs_dimensions.html
output: web, pdf
Write the page
Write a new .md file under the folder /pages/mydoc/
Put in the header something like
title: How to write documentation
tags: [getting_started, troubleshooting, collaboration]
last_updated: May 16, 2018
keywords: git, jekyll, documentation
summary: "Step by step guide for documentation contributors"
sidebar: mydoc_sidebar
permalink: writedoc.html
folder: mydoc
Write using markdown formatting
Commit your changes and make a pull request
If you have added a new page
git add /PATH/TO/
Repeat for each new page you have added since your last commit. Then commit your modifications and push them upstream.
git push origin gh-pages-MYDOC
You will be asked for your github credentials
Visit and clic on the button New pull request
On the top rectangle seclect gh-pages
as the base branch.
Add a title and a description of your pull request.
OPTIONAL: use the menu on the right to ask for specific reviewers (from the list of contributors), label the request or assign it to a specific project.